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SDG Reflections

I remember back in 2013 and 2014 when as an SRH Activist, the question at many youth conferences and meet-ups was : " What is our recommendations for sustainable development now that MDGs are ending?"

We had many recommendations and I remember that even us youth were unable to boil it down to a few goals such as what the MDGs has been. The long list of Sustainable Development goals reflect the need for more partnership worldwide to eliminate once and for all issues holding back the human civilization's progress.

It was exciting to play a very small part in this endeavor. As a young person (then 20 years old), I got to have a small say on what the world would focus on in the next few years. That time was also the beginning of my interest in Water and Sanitation work.

Now the world has 17 goals that encompass 169 targets! Among them all, my most favorite is SDG 6 and particularly target 6.1

The private sector will need to take on a major and leading role in achieving SDGs. Actually, SDGs will unlock a market value in the 13 trillions of USD!

As Water Access Rwanda continues to positively contribute to SDG 6.1 target, I took some time to reflect on how our work is impacting other SDGs. The picture below shows the link between one of our solutions INUMA with the SDG Targets. We are effectively contributing to 13 SDG Targets!

Not forgetting that water is a basic human right, lets work together to reduce the number of people who still can't access it.

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