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Selling Life Savers

There is a candy called life-savers, but today I want to tell you about another type of life-savers: the​​ Water Access Rwanda sub-micron water filter: A simple device that truly changes outcomes, if you don't have one, call me right away to discuss more. ​​

Over the 3 months I was a professional intern with WARwanda and from my being hired as a full time Sales and Marketing Officer, I have personally delivered 11 filters to schools, homes and restaurant businesses.

I was in charge of WARwanda's booth during made-inRwanda expo, and I sought not only to be a confident representative of the company but dominated the entire expo by showcasing our product and services.

​​I was thrilled to present to our potential clients the achievements of company for instance how the company has changed the lives of the people from Mageragere -where Crocodiles claimed the lives of two people while they were fetching water from Nyabarongo. Now 10 INUMA KIOSK are serving clean and safe water to Mageragere sector. Everyone who I met with during the expo was so interested to hear from all our projects and I was in turn proud to talk about all certificates and awards the company has won for our hard work.

For those who have bought our filter and enjoyed using it for years, I have remarked the following:

  1. They have not added chemicals in their water to purify it in a long time

  2. 0 kwh of electricity or burning fuel were used to purify their water

  3. They have enjoyed the rain as it turned into drinkable water

  4. They have SAVED MONEY!!!

If you don't have the filter, I can promise you the following:

One, you are missing out,

two, your options in drinking water are limited,

three, You are spending too much money and effort on your drinking water.

If you do buy the filter, I welcome you to the network of happy clients who see rain and smile as they see clean water. Our sales are 68% generated from word of mouth - this should tell you how happy clients are bringing other happy clients.

Don't want to miss out anymore? contact me and I will do my best to get this life-saver to you.

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