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Households living near INUMA are experiencing transformation in the way they access water. INUMA water is reliable, affordable and completely safe to consume at the tap. 

Our vision

A Vision To Go From Jerrican to Glasses

Through our work, we want to forever kick the jerrican and ensure all have access to clean safe water at the tap inside their homes. 

The Problem

Why Safe Tap
Water Is Important

  • 48% of health care facilities don't have reliable safe water. 

  • 456 million in Sub-Saharan African do not have access to safe water.

  • 88.39% of all Rural Africans don’t have reliable water inside their house

  • African women lose 200 million hours a day walking for water. 

  • 47% of schools don't have reliable safe water.

  • An estimated $260 billion is lost globally each year due to lack of basic water and sanitation.

  • Boreholes with handpumps often go broken and abandoned.

  • 26% of households have limited or no access to drinking water

  • The poor end up paying more for their water than the urban rich who live in well planned settlements.

The impact

Each INUMA TM Provides Affordable Reliable Water Driving Massive Impact


1RWF=1Liter                $1=1,000Liters


Total litres


People with reliable safe water

48 min

Saved on each water trip. 


Permanent jobs


Houses connected

INUMA is the kinyarwanda word for dove.

A dove: a powerful symbol of love, peace, and purity

A case for dignity for the bottom of the pyramid

A new model for decentralized water infrastructure

A suitable way to provide water to the most vulnerable

Clients not beneficiaries, Opportunities not charity

How it Works: A Partnership

The creation of each new Mini-grid involves three key players: The users, the funding partners and Water Access Rwanda.

The Funding Partners

Whether just interested in the impact (philanthropic), the financial return or both, funding is the first key enabler for a new mini-grid. The demand for water is basic and very high yet capital is scarce. 


Funders only contribute to the establishment of the mini-grid while operation and maintenance are assured by us.

Through Agreements with funders, we agree on deliverables including impact, financial return and potential revenue share for their desired destination. 


Funders are also permanently recognized on the new infrastructure. 

Water Access Rwanda

We undertake the following responsibilities: 


  • Construction of the water point

  • Hiring and training water sellers 

  • Operations and maintenance of the water point through monthly preventive care, water quality monitoring and fast response to outages. 

  • Collect a reasonable price for the water using smart prepaid meters.

  • Expand the network and provide more individuals with access to the water in their homes. 

  • Impact monitoring through period surveys and monthly data analysis. 

  • obtain necessary groundwater extraction permits.

The Community

The community is an essential partner of the mini-grids. Through their water purchases, the mini-grid will grow and thrive. 

But before we can establish one we have to : 

  • Have a collaboration framework with the local leadership (usually through an MoU with the district)

  • Receive passage from the commnuity when laying pipes

  • Receive land from the community. 

How It Works
how it works.JPG

Job Creation

All water sellers are selected without consideration of their educational background. They only need to be able to read and count. They all receive: 

  • A Basic salary of RWF 31,500 to RWF 45,000 per month.

  • Health insurance(RSSB)

  • Maternity/paternity leave

  • Company Contributions for personal events(wedding, family member burial, etc.).

  • The company offers double the amount contributed by all the employees.

  • 15% commissions on water sales


When households have safe to drink water they no longer need to boil it or buy bottled water. Positively affecting our planet by reducing the use of firewood and plastic. 


Further water in the home reduces riverbank activities and our mini-grid increases the proportion of water systems running on renewable energy.

Climate Impact

Suggest a Location

We are looking for places to put our sites in in 2020. Please suggest neighbourhoods that can benefit from our solution. 

How would you describe this community
What is the community currently paying for safe water?

Thank you for submitting! Follow Us on Social Media for Updates. 

Suggest INUMA

Discover Our Existing Points


June 22,  2017

Rwintare Network

Our network has two water points. Located in Rwintare Cell, Nyamirambo Sector, Nyarugenge District.


Population Covered 2,037 people

Connected At Home: 37 Households


Lydivine Muhayimana

F - 24


September 28, 2019

Rukoronko Network

Our network having up to 7 water points and managed under Water4Climate project. Located in Rukoronko Cell, Mwogo Sector, Bugesera District.



Population Covered 5413 people

Connected At Home: 0 Household

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Ingabire Brigite

F - 23

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Kanyinya Network

Our network having two water ponts. Located in Nzove Cell, Kanyinya Sector, Nyarugenge District.





Population Covered 805 people

Connected At Home: 33 Household


Charlotte Mugisha

F - 25

Mutimasi 2_edited.jpg

May 27, 2019

Mutimasi 2 Network

Managed under W4C project

Located in Mutimasi Village, Rusizi District.





It covers a population of: 250 people

Connected at home: 0 household


Nzeyimana Alphonse

M - 26


January 29, 2020

Musenyi Network

Located in Migina Cell, Musenyi Sector, Bugesera District.





Population covered: 459 people

Connected At Home: 0 household

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Pacifique Gatete

F - 33



Rweza Network

Located in Rweza Village, Kigali Sector, Nyarugenge District.





It covers a population of: 410 people

Connected At Home: 1 household


Liliane Ingabire

F - 19

Nzove- VIVA Pic.jpg

January 19, 2019

Nzove Network

Located in Rutagara 1 Village, Kanyinya Sector, Nyarugenge District.






Population covered: 1,555 people

Connected at home: 0 household

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Celine Ishimwe Clarisse

F - 28 

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August 25, 2021

Karukoro Network

Located in Gahombo Village, Mageragere Sector, Nyarugenge District.





Population Covered 1,019people

Connected At Home: 0 Household


Habyarimana Evariste

M - 58

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September 15, 2019

Mugesera Network

5 water points compose Mugesera Network and managed under W4C project. Located in Kumuyange Village, Mugesera Sector, Ngoma District.


Population Covered 2,505 people

Connected At Home: 0 Household


Twamugize Denyse

F - 24

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Mugatuguta Network

Located in Kavumu Cell, Mageragere Sector, Nyarugenge District.





Population covered: 287 people

Connected At Home: 0 household


Cyriaque Muyubahe

M - 23

Clean Water is essential for a better li


Kavumu Network

Composed of two water points and located in Kavumu Cell, Mageragere Sector, Nyarugenge District.





Population Covered: 730 people

Connected At Home: 1 Household


Thierry Nizeyumukiza

M - 24


November 14, 2018

Gasharu Network

Located in Gasharu Village, Nyamirambo Sector, Nyarugenge District.





It covers a population of: 500 people Connected at home: 95 households


Zaurate Uwase

F - 30

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April 28, 2019

Mutimasi 1 Network

Managed by W4C

Located in Bitongo Village,  Rusizi District.




It covers a population of: 150 people

Connected At Home: 0 household


Esther Niyobuhungiro

F - 25


June 02, 2019

Gihaya Network

Managaed under Water4Climate project.

Located in Kinyaga Village,  Rusizi District.



Population Covered 675 people

Connected At Home: 0 Household


Valens Gato

M - 24


July 31, 2019

Batima Network

Located in Batima Village, Rweru Sector, Bugesera District.






Population Covered 1,500 people

Connected At Home: 0 Household


Adeline Nyiransengimana

F - 51

Sweetest child on earth enjoys INUMA wat


Dayoli  Network

Located in Kavumu Cell, Mageragere Sector, Nyarugenge District.


Population covered: 475 people

Connected At Home: 0 household


Emmanuel Hakizimana

M - 27


October 24, 2018

Nyarufunzo  Network

This network is composed of two water points.Located in Nyarufunzo Village, Mageragere Sector, Nyarugenge District.




Population Covered 875 people

Connected At Home: 1 Household


Claudette Dushimirimana

F - 25



Nyarubande Network

Located in Nkungamu Cell, Mageragere Sector, Nyarugenge District.





It covers a population of: 565 people

Connected at home: 0 household


Felix Twizeyumukiza

M - 33


December 15, 2018

Ishywa  Network

Our network having 3 water points and located in Kaboneke Village, Nkombo Sector, Rusizi District





Population covered: 2,640 people

Connected at home: 0 household


Amos Tuyizere

F - 33


January 27, 2020

Cyingaju Network

Managed under W4C project. Located in Musovu Cell, Juru Sector, Bugesera District.




Population covered: 524 people

Connected at home: 0 household


Annonciata Twagirayezu

F - 48


January 22, 2020

Gisunyu Network

Manages by W4C. Located in Bigoga Cell, Nkombo Sector, Rusizi District.






Population covered: 567 people

Connected at home: 0 household


Antoine Barengayabo

M - 55


August 25, 2021

Karukoro Network

Located in Karukoro Village, Nyamirambo Sector, Nyarugenge District.





Population Covered 2,314 people

Connected At Home: 0 Household


Nteziryayo Valens

M - 24

Discover Our Existing Points









+250 788 194 000

157 KN 2 Ave

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